"trust the source luke" -unknown.
- Acknowledgements
- Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, Chapter 3 - Installing Asterisk. This is a very well written book and a pleasure to read. Get a print copy, you won't regret it.
- CentOS is an excellent OS OS (Open Source Operating System), please consider donating to this project - http://www.centos.org/
- LUG and NOOSS mates I hang out with.
- Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, Chapter 3 - Installing Asterisk. This is a very well written book and a pleasure to read. Get a print copy, you won't regret it.
- Install CentOS 4.x
- Review CentOS 4.4 Installation Guide
- During the installation, when asked to choose package groups, choose "Everything". Doing so, will save you from a lot of headaches during the asterisk installation, imho.
- Storage is cheap and you can always turn off services you don't need, see below (login as root first) :
- If you are installing asterisk on a dedicated box, it likely doesn't need to run X all of the time, you can turn off X by changing the default runlevel on your asterisk system to 3 (from 5). Edit /etc/inittab and change the line with "initdefault" from 5 to 3.
- To view the list of services running at runlevel 3
/sbin/chkconfig --list | grep 3:on | more - Turn off services you don't need one by one. For eg. to turn off postgresql at all runlevels (if you don't plan to use it on your asterisk box)
/sbin/chkconfig -level 345 postgresql off
- If you are installing asterisk on a dedicated box, it likely doesn't need to run X all of the time, you can turn off X by changing the default runlevel on your asterisk system to 3 (from 5). Edit /etc/inittab and change the line with "initdefault" from 5 to 3.
- update installed packages to current releases before proceeding (thanks Tzafrir)
yum update
The above step will take quite a while, when it completes reboot your machine and repeat the "yum update" command. When it completes reboot again
- Review CentOS 4.4 Installation Guide
- Downloading Asterisk Sources (as root)
mkdir /usr/src/pbx
mkdir /usr/src/pbx/source
cd /usr/src/pbx/source
wget --passive-ftp ftp.digium.com/pub/asterisk/asterisk-1.4-current.tar.gz
wget --passive-ftp ftp.digium.com/pub/asterisk/asterisk-addons-1.4-current.tar.gz
wget --passive-ftp ftp.digium.com/pub/libpri/libpri-1.4-current.tar.gz
wget --passive-ftp ftp.digium.com/pub/zaptel/zaptel-1.4-current.tar.gz - Source Extraction
cd /usr/src/pbx
tar zxvf source/asterisk-1.4-current.tar.gz
tar zxvf source/asterisk-addons-1.4-current.tar.gz
tar zxvf source/libpri-1.4-current.tar.gz
tar zxvf source/zaptel-1.4-current.tar.gz - Compiling and Installing (follow this order)
(!!!Watch!!! your version numbers may differ)
cd zaptel-1.4.3/
make clean
make # -- errors out asking for a restart, not to worry
make install
cd ../libpri-1.4.0/
make clean
make install
cd ../asterisk-1.4.6/
make clean
make install
make samples
cd ../asterisk-addons-1.4.2/
make clean
make install # -- (if you get an error msg, see bugfix below)
(*** script bugfix ***)
cd asterisk-ooh323c/.libs/
ln -s libchan_h323.1.0.1 libchan_h323.so.1.0.1
cd ../..
make install
(*** end of bugfix ***) - Post Installation
(check that asterisk is configured to be ON)
/sbin/chkconfig --list | grep asterisk
(and if needed...no harm done either way)
/sbin/chkconfig -level 2345 asterisk on
(Reboot your asterisk machine)
/sbin/shutdown -r now
(upon reboot connect to asterisk CLI console with)
asterisk -r
(to exit asterisk CLI console)
man asterisk # -- (for other neat stuff)
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